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 onGenDatenbank für Ahnenforschung zwischen Rhein und Maas
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Here frequently asked questions will be answered.

How does the project function?The project onGen contains digital copies of the respective source from different sources in the Niederrhein area (church and register office records and inhabitants lists among other things) . From each individual page the most important informations are obtained such as date and personal data and then inserted into the data base. Each information line in the data base (one line corresponds to baptism/marriage/death or other denomination in a document) is linked to the page on which these information are to be found. To finance this project it is necessary to charge fees for viewing and taking copies of documents.

Which sources were evaluated?In the main bar a list can be opened by clicking on `Inventory`, in which, sorted by place name, all evaluated sources are shown.

Are there additionally fees for using onGen searches?Presently there are no fees for the standard search in the onGen-data tables. Optionally, after choosing onGen-PLUS, advanced search can be used.

How can I use onGen?Step 1: You must register once. To do this click on registration (top left). Afterwards please enter your registration data and accept the AGB as well as the data security declaration. After consent/acceptance you get a short welcome message sent to your e-mail address with your password which you can use later to log in to the on-line genealogy.
Use the activationlink in the email.
Step 3: Click left above on `Login`. In this window you can login with your e-mail address and password.
Step 4: Click on ` Suchen` and the search box will open.
Step 5: In the search box you then can enter for example a surname and consider whether you want to make changes to the standard search settings (e.g. local/temporal limitations).

If you find a search result which appears so relevant to you that you want to have a closer look at it you can click on the button `record number` in the left column (if a copy is available). Clicking on this Button opens a new window where you can choose to get the source page as printable file (as JPG/PDF file). By confirmation to get these files you will be charged the appropriate ` fees `.
How can I view the sources, if I found an entry in the data base relevant to me?

When and how do I have to pay the viewing/copies?It would be easiest, if you transfer a certain amount (for payment options see in the main bar ` imprint `). After receiving this amount I will credit it to your personal ` onGen account `. All resulting fees on the onGen website I will then take automatically off your assets. The money on your account will not purge and remains continually stored until it was consumed by fees or paid back to you.

An announcement of parents and godfathers would be very helpful, however after the first hits lists is suppressed. Can that be changed?Choosing a onGen-PLUS subscription shows the names again and makes them searchable.

Have I pay for view the same source second time?No. Inform about the current prices in the on-line genealogy through click yourselves on ` prices `.

Forgot your password? Click on `Login` and enter your user identification. After clicking on ABSENDEN your password will be e-mailed to you.

Isn`t the announcement updated or isn`t indicated to the source text list?Examine, starting from you a current Macromedia Flash Player for your Browser as plug in installed. See also for this on their homepage Macromedia

Was bedeuten die Zeichen unter Art in der Trefferliste?* = birth(mayority)
~ = baptism (church)
∞ = marriage (mayority)
∞+ = marriage (church)
▭ = funeral (church)
+ = death (mayority)

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